See CFS flats In Action.
Test out CFS FLATS for free today
Request for a loan unit to test out if CFS flats is right for your organization.
Fill out the form on this page to get started.
Please note that due to production on-demand, delivery times may vary and could take up to 6 weeks from the date the Terms & Conditions are signed.
IDloop GmbH
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1a
07745 Jena | Germany
+49 (0)3641 55405 0

Co-funded by the Free State of Thuringia
As part of the consulting guidelines of the Free State of Thuringia, IDloop GmbH receives funding for consulting and process support. These support strategies for the development and sustainable positive development and safeguarding of SMEs. The resulting findings and recommendations for action are recorded in a consultancy report. Funding is provided by the European Social Fund Plus and the Free State of Thuringia.